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API Reference

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Notifications Microservice provides a set of GraphQL Queries and Mutation APIs to allow developers to create, edit, delete their Notification Configs and Notifications.


notificationTemplatesReturns a list of all notificationTemplates
notificationTemplate(id: ID!)Returns a notificationTemplate with matching id
findNotificationTemplates(selectors: FindNotificationTemplates!)Finds a notification template matching the given selectors
listActiveNotificationsReturns a list of Active Notifications.
It accepts a parameter limit, to restrict the number of notifications in the response. (The default limit is 25)
listArchivedNotifications(targets: [String]!)Returns a list of the old/archived notifications.
It accepts a mandatory parameter targets which can be used to get the notifications for the provided targets.
It also accepts a parameter limit, to restrict the number of notifications in the response. (The default limit is 25)
getNotificationsBy(selector: FindNotificationInput!)Returns notifications matching the given selection criteria.
It accepts a parameter “selector” of type NotificationPayloadInput.


createNotificationTemplate(template: CreateNotificationTemplate!)Creates a new notification template
updateNotificationTemplate(id: ID!, template: UpdateNotificationTemplate!)Modifies a notification template
deleteNotificationTemplate(id: ID!)Delete a notification template matching id
triggerNotification(templateID: ID!, payload: NotificationPayloadInput!)Trigger notification using a template ID
newNotification(configID: ID!, payload: FindNotificationInput!)Creates a new notification using a config and add it to the queue